Starting Tee: Gold
Description: Regulation Play – Week 2.
August 9: Three Blind Mice
Starting Tee: Gold
Description: Regular play. Course picks 3 holes to discard.
August 13: Friday Night
Starting Tee: Your Choice
Description: Bring friends, co-workers or family for a night of fun.
August 16: Rally for the Cure
Starting Tee: Red
Description: Fundraiser for Susan Koman Breast Cancer Foundation. Sign up with a partner and compete for prizes.
August 23: 5 Club Tournament
Starting Tee: Gold
Description: Each player will select one wood, two irons, 1 wedge and a putter.
August 30: Regular Play
Starting Tee: Red
Description: Our last night

Thank you for a great season!!
Women's Golf League