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2007 Men's Club Policies
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Post 2007 Men's Club Policies 

* Membership dues will be $85.00., this includes your state handicap card and fully paid banquet for you and your guest.

* Members must be males and 18 years of age or older.

* You must have played at least 25% of Club events to be a member in good standing.

* You must have played at least 40% of Club events to be eligible for any major tournament.

* Please cancel your tee time if you cannot play that morning. If you don’t cancel, you will lose your $10.00 deposit, which is included in your membership fee. Each time you neglect to cancel your tee time, the course will charge you full green fees, this includes course members.

* $10.00 will be refunded if you follow the above conditions and attend the banquet (10/20/07).

* Opening day this year is April 1, weather permitting.

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