Chanticlair Mixer League Scramble Rules
Golf Scramble: two person teams, and three/four person teams
New in 2020: for Team Handicap use the average of the 2 BEST handicaps
1. A scramble means that all team members tee off on each hole and then decide which tee shot they like the best and mark the spot with a tee or ball marker.
2. The other team members place their golf balls within one club length (no closer to the hole) of the marked spot. Each team member hits their next shot from the marked spot.
3. If the ball you choose to play is in a hazard (sand, water, etc.), the rough, or out of bounds, you cannot drop the ball outside of the hazard or rough even if relief is within one club length away.
4. This procedure is followed on every shot for the remainder of the hole, including putts. The ball should be marked on the putting green also.
5. Putts need to be made within 3 inches of the marked spot (no closer to the hole). The first ball to go in the hole is counted for the team score. When putting, once any ball is holed out, no further strokes count. The team is cautioned not to make “tap” in putts until all team members have had the opportunity to attempt the team’s original putt.
6. For a three/four person scramble, each player’s tee shot must be used at least one time during the 9-hole competition. For a two person scramble, each player’s tee shot must be used twice.
7. Men tee off from the silver tees and women from the forward tees.
8. For a three/four scramble, a threesome may play and are permitted to rotate a fourth shot from each ball location. In other words, one person will be hitting twice from each position. The person hitting two shots cannot do so consecutively. (For example, it’s Player A’s turn to hit two shots. The other team members must play their ball in between Player A’s two shots.) The rotation should be set at the beginning of the round, and remain constant throughout.
9. For a two person scramble event, the players should make every effort to limit the team to 2 players. If no other solution exists, a third player may join and the team would be allowed to take 3 shots from each spot. The team must use 2 drives per player. For handicap, use the 2 Best/lowest handicaps.
Rich Kowalski