Congratulations to the winners. Your winnings will be available on Sunday. Just a reminder that if you plan to attend the Men's Club Banquet and meeting on October 6, please sign up on the sheet in the clubhouse on Sunday. We will be having food, recognizing our tournament winners, have raffles and hold our business meeting to elect new officers and to vote on any club business if necessary. This upcoming Sunday's event will be Gross and Net.
September 8, 2019 Results - 2 Man Scramble
Gross Division:
Al Barone and Stan Bogdan - Score of 64 - $7.00 each
Net Division:
Bob Yeitz and Don Visnia - Score of 56 - $7.00 each
Closest to the Pin:
Stan Bogdan - Closest to the Pin #4 - $7.00
Al Barone - Closest to the Pin #13 - $7.00
Closest to the Line:
Bill Nadeau - Closest to the Line #3 - $6.00
Bob Nadeau - Closest to the Line #12 - $6.00
Al Barone and Stan Bogdan (5 Skins) - $15.00 each
John Bazin and Keith Perry (1 Skin) - $3.00 each