Dear Friends,
Spring is almost here! Hope you are all well and ready to play golf. I know I am…!
League play will officially start on April 19. At the bottom of this letter is the registration form. Please complete,
detach and mail it to AI Garrett or bring it to the membership meeting on April 5. Please note: ALL DUES ARE TO BE PAID PRIOR TO THE SECOND WEEK OF PLAY.
The league schedule, league rules and a list of executive board members will be available at the meeting on April 5.
Please visit our web site at www.chanticlair.com Click on Mixer Thursday Morning League for more information.
Important Dates: April 5, Thursday – 9:15 AM Membership Meeting (Clubhouse)
April 19, Thursday – League play begins
Sincerely, Jim Robinson
NAME(S): _____________________________________________________________________________________
WINTER ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________
SUMMER ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________
Winter Telephone #______________Summer Telephone #_____________Cell Phone #_______________
Email: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Dues are $50.00 per person. Checks Only Please made out to Chanticlair Mixers
Signatures(s) ___________________________________ Amount enclosed $ _______________
Please detach, sign and mail with dues to: AI Garrett
P.O. Box 272
Marlborough, Ct 06447
Rich Kowalski