First week of league play is April 21. Good luck and have fun..!
Final week of league play is Sept 29. Hope everyone had a good year.
Sept 1: Individual Low Net, Fewest Putts
Winners: Bob Weeks (30), Donna Howell (33)
Fewest Putts: Gerry Lemire (15)
August 25: Two Player teams, add both Net scores. Banquet at 1:00
Team Winners: Barry Neumann and Paul Dellano (62)
Closest to the pin #4: Rick Boisse
August 18: Two Player teams, add both Net scores.
Team winners: Butch Adams and Gerry Lemire
Closest to pin #4: Art Thibodeau
August 11: Individual low Net and Gross, M/F
Male Net: Davis Howell, Female Net: Karen Fitzsimmons
Male Gross: Davis Howell (36), Female Gross: Sue Parent (41)
Closest to pin #1 (F) Pat Nardella
Closest to pin #4 (M) Al Kateley
August 4 : Four Player Lady Bug. Net team score using average handicap.
Team winners: Ann Doyle, Pat Doyle, Sue Parent, Dennis Parent
closest to the pin #4: Mike Hinchliffe
July 28 Member/Guest Tournament: 3/4 Player Arizona Shot gun start at 7:30
Low Gross: team of Ohr/Ohr/Hinchliffe/Churchill (29)
Low Net: team of Doyle/Doyle/Howell/Howell (17)
Closest to Line #3: Mary Tomasi and Charlie Baukus
Closest to pin #4: Mary Tomasi
July 21: Individual Low Net (M, F) Men use 3 clubs and putter. Women use 4 clubs and putter.
Male winner Stan Koncki
Female winner Donna Howell
Closest to pin #4 Roland Sylvestre
July 14 Two Player Teams: Add both Net Scores for the team score
Two Player Team winners: Bernie Gursky and Gary Walter Net of 65
Closest to pin #4 Tom Mills
July 7 Individual Net and Gross score (M/F)
Low Gross (M) David Howell 37
Low Gross (F) Susan Parent 49
Low Net (M) Dennis Parent 28
Low Net (F) Donna Howell 31
closest to line #3
closest to pin #4
June 30 Arizona 3/4 person scramble. Pot luck lunch. Shot gun start at 7:30
Winning team: Pat Nardella, Mark Mathena, Davis Howell, Donna Howell
Closest to line #3
Closest to pin #4
June 23 Individual Low Net and Longest Drive #3 in fairway (M/F)
Individual Low Net (M) Paul Dellano
Individual Low Net (F) Nancy Vincent
Longest Drive #3 (M) Tom Bailey
Longest Drive #3 (F) Sue Parent
Closest to pin #4 Art Thibodeaut
June 16 Individual low net: Red tees (1,4,7) Yellow (2,5,8 ) Silver (3,6,9)
Individual Low Net (M) Donald Gadbois
Individual Low Net (F) Susan Parent
Closest to pin #4 Gary Walter
June 9: Individual Low Net and Individual Low Gross
Individual Low Net winner (M/F) Phil Doyle (31) Nancy Vincent (33)
Individual Low Gross winner (M/F) Roy Ohr (41) Lucy Bosse (48 )
Lowest number of putts (one prize) Mike Hinchliffe (12)
Closest to pin #4 Mary Tomasi 14 feet
June 2: 2 Player Best Ball
Play own ball, select best score on hole. Use avg handicap
Low Net team: Donna and Davis Howell (22)
Closest to pin #4: Rick Boisse
May 26: Individual Low Net M/F
Low Net winner (F): Denise Kateley
Low Net winner (M): Phil Doyle
Closest to Line (F): Pat Nardella
Closest to Line (M): Ted Chambers
Closest to pin #4: Mike Hinchliffe
May 19: 3/4 Player Arizona. Pick best drive, use average handicap
Low net team winners: B.Weeks, M.Tomasi, D.Howell, D.Howell (15)
Closest to pin #4 Mike Hinchliffe
May 12 Two Player Scotch (alternate shot) Use average handicap
Low net team winners: Pete Hajdun and Ted Hellstrom (30)
Closest to pin #4 Ann Doyle
May 5 2016 individual Low Net
Low net winner (F) Nancy Vincent 38
Low net winner (M) Phil Doyle 25
Closest to pin #4 Bill Allis
April 28 2016 2 person teams, add both net scores
Low Net team winners Pete Hajdun, Rich Kowalski total of 66
Closest to pin #4 Vic Battaglioli
April 21, 2016 individual Low Net
Low net winner (F) Mary Tomasi 29
Low net winner (M) Mark Mathena 27
Closest to pin #4 Mark Mathena
Rich Kowalski