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June Winners (Includes Member / Guest)
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Post June Winners (Includes Member / Guest) 
June 27: Red, White and Blue

Gross: $5.00 each
Low: Katy Fisher
High: Sue Feguson

Net: $5.00 each
Low: Kris Schlukebir
High: Karen Nadeau
June 20: Member/Guest

Low: Pam Dimock
1st: Pam Dimock and Jean Trazsko
2nd: Michelle Charles and Katie Fisher
3rd: MJ Lamelin and Jean Clark

1st: Karen Aubin and Randie Boulay
2nd: Gail Rygielski and Barbara McCabe
3rd: Rita Schelling and Mary Jane Burdick

Closest to the Pin: Randy Boulay

Longest Drive: Erin Rygeilski

Thank you everyone for joining us. And, thank you to everyone that helped with the banquet planning! It was a great night.
June 13: Easy Night

Gross: $5.00 each
Low: Pam Dimock
High: Joann Novajovsky

Net: $5.00 each
Low: Paula Mayo
High: Barbara Royea
June 7: Accuracy

Tournament: $5.00 each
Closest to the Line (#3): Sue Ferguson
Closest to the Pin (#4): Darlene Kappock

Gross: $2.00 each
Low: Pam Dimock (46)
Joan Dupont (46)
Janet Hoisington (46)

High: Karen Aubin (80)

Net: $2.00 each
Low: Janet Franzo (29)
High: Barbara Royea (54)

Women's Golf League
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