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2020 Registration form, for revised Mixer League schedule
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Post 2020 Registration form, for revised Mixer League schedule 
Chanticlair Mixer League, revised registration form


Dear Friends,
Due to the Covid-19 virus, we are running a reduced schedule for the 2020 Mixer League. As earlier noted, League play will officially start on June 4. Please follow the suggested CT guidelines for social distancing. One player per golf cart is also recommended. The League will not run the Member/Guest or Stollman Memorial tournaments this year.

At the bottom of this letter is the 2020 revised registration form. Please fill it out and bring it to the league opening on June 4. Please put it, and your check for $20, in the Mixer League box by the clubhouse window, at the rear of the clubhouse. Dues are expected to be paid by the second week of play.
Player handicaps, league rules and a list of league board members will be available on our web site at Click on Mixed Thursday Morning League for more information.

Please call the clubhouse to reserve a Tee Time. As the Chanticlair clubhouse is closed, signup sheets will not be available to reserve future tee times. Pay the green fee at the window in the back of the clubhouse. Unless otherwise noted, all competition will be for Low Net, Male and Female. When finishing your round, deposit your scorecard in the Mixer League box, also in the back of the clubhouse.

Important Dates: June 4, Thursday, at 8:30 League begins
September 24, last day of league play

Sincerely, Jim Robinson Mixer League President



NAME(S): _____________________________________________________________________________________

WINTER ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________

SUMMER ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________________

Winter Telephone #______________Summer Telephone #_____________Cell Phone #_______________

Email: ______________________________________________________________________________

Dues are $20.00 per person. Checks Only Please made out to Chanticlair Mixers

Signatures(s) ___________________________________ Amount enclosed $ ______

Rich Kowalski
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